
a photo collection from Kaka's rencent shots

there are many colorful things in this world, like traffic lights.
It's only the eyes and minds of our own that have neglected everything.
finally we feel remorse for what we've missed all along.
but when we starting off to try to find out the truth,
what we seeking 4 gets dim and blur and make us feel dizzy.
lines stretching far away, crossing wit' one another

still have this song played? i feel pretty honored, man.
well, anyway your iPod's really hot.

duno wacha tryin' to express, dude
some dimensions of space?

this is him who took all these pics. big eyes filled with determination.

only God knows why this guy keeps saying "sofa\that".

it probably means a lot to him i guess.

sometimes he tends to be materialistic

and this is what it's like when it happens to be "sometimes".

this young photographer's longing to get inspired by things he explores,

so he's always on the move.

this one remind me of a J. Joyce novel,

The Potrait of The Artist as A Young Man.
both sharp and impressive

a typical Aquarius style, showing concern and compassion 4 others, esp. children.

see all of Kaka's works @ http://flickr.com/photos/zlz212/

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